Letters - 06 September 2013

From Syria to the hidden illness


If military intervention in Syria is the answer, may I suggest we are asking the wrong question? Since when has military intervention resulted in amicable outcomes? With the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles freshly in mind, clearly a more thought out, joined up, strategic response can be the only answer.

All countries depend on economic wellbeing, so economic sanctions must be the better path to pursue – even with Syria, the most intransigent of current regimes. Military force can never be the path to peaceful outcomes. Peaceful outcomes depend on grounded diplomacy.

Gerard Bane

Tony Blair

I welcome Lancaster Central & North Area Meeting’s wish to hold Tony Blair to account for his role in the Iraq war (23 August). This is even more relevant now that he is advocating intervention in Syria. I suggest this should be coupled with highlighting the pusillanimity of the MPs who voted for the war, cravenly putting ‘follow our leader’ before their actual beliefs. A first step could be a campaign for publication of the Chilcott report. Its nonappearance is surely undemocratic as well as indicative of its findings.

Penelope Putz

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