Letters - 01 February 2013

From banking to belonging

Winners and losers

Edwin J Wrigley’s letter (18 January) is very helpful in exposing the problem of trying to understand spiritual teaching with a materialist mind. For, if we try to live a spiritual life within the confines of the mundane world, we are confronted with endless contradictions and get nowhere. It seems that we need to live two separate lives at the same time, in two different worlds. In fact, the worlds overlap, and we have skills and experience in both.

The problem is that in our western society today the materialist mind has become dominant. So, our need now is to become more whole and balanced by relearning the skills of seeing new worlds with new eyes. This new vision inspires a change of heart and mind, letting go of who we think we are in order to become who we may yet be. This is a lifetime’s task and is easier for some people than for others. It depends on our choice and will. The time for this is always now.

Harry Underhill

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