Leeds Friends welcome Bikes for Peace
'We will be welcoming peace campaigners and peace-loving cyclists to join us at the central Meeting house in Leeds.’
Leeds Quakers are welcoming a group of Norwegian cyclists who are embarking on a thirty-mile tour for peace. Six to twelve activists from the ‘Bike for Peace’ organisation will arrive from Norway, with more supporters joining from the UK. Writing on Facebook, Leeds Quakers said: ‘We are looking forward to hosting the lunch at the start of the first leg of the bike tour on 28th August. We will be welcoming peace campaigners and peace-loving cyclists to join us at the central Meeting house in Leeds.’
Friends are also expecting Fabian Hamilton, MP for Leeds North East, and shadow minister for Peace and Disarmament, who will ride with the group on 28 August.
Bike for Peace is a non-governmental organisation in Norway that works for a world without nuclear weapons, for peace and disarmament, improved life for disabled persons, and for a better climate. The group said on social media that it is looking for more people to join the cycle trip from the sightseeing tour of Leeds on 26 August to the last destination of the journey on 2 September. After meeting Robert Gettings, the lord mayor of Leeds at Leeds Civic Hall on 27 August, the group will depart on 28 August, cycling to Skipton, Carnforth, Preston, Blackburn, Rochdale and Bradford. The stages last about fifty kilometres per day.
On the tour the pacifists plan to meet with mayors, peace organisations, climate activists and local government officials.