Leaveners look to 2020
A new mission statement and three-year plan were the focus of the Leaveners' AGM
The Birmingham-based Quaker arts group Leaveners held its annual general meeting on Saturday 7 May.
The focus of the meeting was twofold. The group discussed its new mission statement in preparation for winning Charitable Incorporated Organisation status. Leaveners also looked at plans for the future, which will see it ‘working in new and exciting ways’, said director José Forrest-Tennant.
She explained: ‘Vision 2020 will include partnerships with Birmingham Repertory Theatre and Ironbridge Museum to create new artistic and learning programmes.’
The three-year plan will see Leaveners moving in a new direction, creating youth theatres in Meeting houses to engage with young Quakers and working with ethnically diverse communities in partnership with Birmingham Repertory Theatre.