Launch of new climate justice course
‘People often think of climate justice as a global issue but climate justice is a way of seeing things - it’s as much local as it is global.’
Britain Yearly Meeting and Woodbrooke have launched a new course about the climate crisis.
Fifty people gathered online last month to hear about the pay-as-led course called ‘Exploring Faith and Climate Justice’. Lucy Faulkner-Gawlinski, from King’s Lynn Meeting, told the Friend that the course ‘brings together historical and political analysis, spiritual reflection and practical action’.
Asked whether, when we are in a climate emergency, a climate justice focus makes the problem seem remote and about the wider world and not us, Rebecca Woo, one of the staff team, told the gathering: ‘People often think of climate justice as a global issue but climate justice is a way of seeing things - it’s as much local as it is global.’
Lucy Faulkner-Gawlinski said that the session on 22 May offered ‘a taster of the stimulus and challenge the course will provide, with a chance to discuss why people of colour both in the UK and elsewhere are more exposed to pollution despite producing less’.
The online course consists of six modules, each explored over two months, beginning in July 2022.