Eldoret Friends Church. Photo: Photo: Jez Smith
Kenya: Eldoret testimonies
Jez Smith introduces the stories of ordinary Kenyans who got caught up in the post-election violence during 2007-8
‘My house was burned on the third day’, explains Esther Kinadoso gently as I sit at a desk at the front of the church, recording the absorbing personal testimonies of Eldoret Friends as they sit in the first row of pews, hunched towards me, keenly hearing each others’ stories, but also praying and upholding their peers.
When I came to Kenya I wanted to hear the stories of ordinary Friends like you and me, to understand a little bit of their lives and to bring something back to share in Britain and perhaps beyond. I particularly wanted to meet and connect with Friends in East Africa Yearly Meeting North because their Meeting is one that we in Britain may be more aware of without having ever met Friends from there.