Stoke Friends at the stall. Photo: Deborah Williamson.

Stoke Friends took part in a TTIP awareness raising event

Keeping TTIP on the agenda

Stoke Friends took part in a TTIP awareness raising event

by Tara Craig 4th September 2015

Stoke Friends recently took part in a national 38 Degrees event aimed at raising awareness of TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

Julia Richardson and Deborah Williamson were among those staffing a stall outside the Guildhall in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, on 22 August.

Deborah told the Friend that she and her fellow volunteers handed out nearly 1000 leaflets that morning. Two hundred people signed the petition.

‘A small number of people who had heard of TTIP made a beeline straight for us. They told us they were very concerned and were keen to sign the petition. Most people had not heard of it at all. It’s a complex issue to get over to people,’ Deborah said.


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