JRF and JRHT look for trustees
Trustees are being sought by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) are looking for new trustees. Trustees are selected by a joint search group of Meeting for Sufferings and JRF/JRHT.
Media coverage of a range of their recent reports emphasises that the policy work of the JRF – and the way that is put into practice by the JRHT in their social housing and care work – is very much in the forefront of public debate at the moment. Both groups seek to be on the side of people and places in poverty, to produce valid, independent information about poverty in the UK and to investigate solutions to the causes and problems of poverty.
The role of trustees is to guide that work and to safeguard the tradition and purpose of Joseph Rowntree’s original endowments. It is a demanding task, which needs people of stature, principle and firm purpose.
Tony Stoller, chair of the trustees of JRF/JRHT, says: ‘We are keen to encourage applications from all who can contribute to diversity and difference in our organisation, and who can demonstrate that they recognise and support Quakers’ emphasis on the intrinsic value of each human being. We also welcome applications from all four nations in the UK.’