JRCT respond to the Charity Commission's regulatory case report

JRCT responds to report findings

JRCT respond to the Charity Commission's regulatory case report

by Tara Craig 13th May 2016

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) has issued a response to the Charity Commission’s regulatory case report on the trust’s funding of the advocacy organisation Cage.

The report, which was issued on 6 May, concluded that JRCT’s trustees ‘acted in good faith’ when they made awards to Cage in 2007, 2008 and 2011.

The Charity Commission found no evidence that JRCT funds had been misused.

The Charity Commission opened the case ‘to establish whether grants made to Cage, a non-charitable organisation, were in furtherance of the charity’s purposes, and to ensure the charity’s trustees had complied with their duties under charity law’.

JRCT said in a statement: ‘We are pleased that the Charity Commission’s enquiries have now finally concluded and that no further regulatory action is planned.’


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