Ipswich Quakers support interfaith initiative
Interfaith deradicalisation was the subject of a recent conference
The idea that Christian, Muslim and Judaic extremism play equally important roles in destabilising Middle Eastern societies was explored at a recent conference.
‘Interfaith deradicalisation: unity on the path to peace’ was held on 17 October at Ipswich Meeting House. It was organised by Friends and the Ipswich branch of the United Nations Association (UK).
Among the speakers were Usama Hasan, senior researcher at the Quilliam Foundation, a counter-extremism think tank; Dan Cohn-Sherbok, a rabbi of Reform Judaism; and Quaker author Mike King.
Some forty people, half of them Quakers, attended. Mike King told the Friend that the half-day conference resulted in ‘a desire to repeat the event and continue the discussion’.