‘Meeting one another – praying together, and seeking to understand each other – is the bedrock of the work.’ Photo: courtesy of FWCC

‘Even though the news often feels bleak, I find hope in the faithful work, time and commitment of so many people.’

Inside job: Tim Gee reflects on six months at Friends World Committee for Consultation

‘Even though the news often feels bleak, I find hope in the faithful work, time and commitment of so many people.’

by Tim Gee 15th July 2022

I recently passed the six-month mark since officially beginning as general secretary to the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC). The timing has been interesting, coinciding with some other big life events for me. I had just become a father, and was beginning the process of moving house. It’s fair to say that it’s been quite full-on. Today, I’m pausing to take stock and reflect on what has happened so far.