Huddersfield Friends seek green light
Meetings have expressed interest in a green energy initiative being developed Huddersfield Friends
Almost forty Meeting houses have expressed an interest in taking part in a green energy initiative being developed by Friends in Huddersfield. Meetings have been encouraged to jointly purchase renewable energy to help support the Quaker commitment to taking action on climate change.
The idea for the Renewable Energy Purchasing Consortium came out of a finance and premises committee meeting at Huddersfield Meeting.
Chayley Collis, convenor of the committee, is trying to spread the word nationally. She said: ‘The more Meeting houses we can get on board the greater the discounts available and the greater the impact and support for renewable energy’.
The consortium is not available for individual Quakers – only Quaker Meeting houses and buildings.
‘To take the idea forward’, Chayley explained, ‘we now need as many Meeting houses as possible to get a joint, no obligation, quotation for Good Energy electricity – and gas if desired – using a group purchasing organisation called 2Buy2, which also works with other churches. Friends can contact me for further information on 01484 850246 or Forms need to be submitted by the end of July.’