Left to right: Steve Hope, Jon Brown, Sandra Figgess and Jill Green. Photo: Jennifer Barraclough.

Two same sex couples held a joint Meeting for Marriage on 28 March

Historic double wedding

Two same sex couples held a joint Meeting for Marriage on 28 March

by Tara Craig 3rd April 2015

Two same sex couples held a joint Meeting for Marriage at Oxford Meeting House on Saturday 28 March.

Jon Brown and Steve Hope, and Sandra Figgess and Jill Green, said that they intended the Meeting ‘to celebrate not only our relationships, but also the contribution of the Society of Friends in bringing about a change of law to allow same sex marriage’.

Both couples were in existing civil partnerships. Sandra and Jill spoke of the Same Sex Marriage Act, which allowed them to finally marry in a Meeting for Worship.

They said: ‘Meeting today is a particular cause for joy and a celebration of the fact that all our campaigning has finally reached fruition’.


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