‘Leaps in human understanding begin with imagination.’ Photo: The ouroboros, August Kekulé’s inspiration for the structure of benzene

‘When Newton formulated his theories of gravity, he saw himself as discovering the laws of God.’

Having a wobble: Keith Denerley’s Thought for the week

‘When Newton formulated his theories of gravity, he saw himself as discovering the laws of God.’

by Keith Denerley 9th December 2022

I made a discovery last week. I’d been re-reading Eben Alexander’s Proof of Heaven. Alexander is a neurosurgeon who, after a remarkable out-of-body experience, realised that the seat of consciousness is not the brain, but on another dimension altogether. He dares to summarise quantum physics thus: ‘All the objects in the physical universe are made up of atoms. Atoms, in turn, are made up of protons, electrons and neutrons. These, in turn, are (as physicists also discovered in the early years of the twentieth century) all particles. And particles are made up of… Well, quite frankly, physicists don’t really know. But one thing that we do know about particles is that each one is connected to every other one in the universe.’