An example of ‘what can be achieved when minds are focussed and efforts pooled’.

Harrow Friends fund generators in Ukraine

An example of ‘what can be achieved when minds are focussed and efforts pooled’.

by Rebecca Hardy 17th February 2023

Harrow Quakers have funded two generators in Ukraine using a Friend’s substantial legacy. The idea came during a Christmas lunch when one Friend suggested the Meeting did something for the people of Ukraine, and another remembered reading that generators are badly needed in the country.

After research and further Meetings, Friends agreed to donate to an appeal for generators in Ukraine run by Rotary International. The final decision was made after David Sutherland, chair of Rotary International, spoke at the Meeting for Business, via Zoom, on 8 January.

Stephen Wright, clerk of Harrow Meeting, told the Friend that, on 31 January, ‘we heard the good news that the two generators had been delivered – one to Clinical Hospital No. 27 and the other to the Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology in Kharkiv. Along with this news were photographs of the generators being off-loaded in Kharkiv’.

The Meeting also enclosed a letter to the recipients of the generators expressing its heartfelt support, love and prayers. The letter was translated into Ukrainian by a Ukrainian guest who is staying with one of the Friends. Stephen Wright said: ‘We were delighted on 4 February to receive two letters – one from the district governor of Rotary District 2232 in Ukraine thanking Harrow Friends for their support, and the other from professor Igor Linskiy, director of State Institution INPS NAMS of Ukraine, acknowledging receipt of the generators. Igor Linskiy’s letter ended: “May Lord bless you in your noble cause. So, within a period of seven weeks, the initial idea was realised.”’

Stephen Wright said that it was an example of ‘what can be achieved when minds are focussed and efforts pooled’. Harrow Friends can pass on contact details for the appeal if other Meetings are interested in supporting the cause.


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