The fifty year anniversary of Harlow Meeting House will be marked with celebrations

Harlow Meeting celebrate fifty years in their building

The fifty year anniversary of Harlow Meeting House will be marked with celebrations

by Symon Hill 29th June 2012

A folk band will be among the visitors to Harlow Meeting house on Sunday 1 July, when Friends celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the building. Rebecca and Dave Blackman, of the band Arnwyn, will provide live music, while food and games will also be on offer.

Harlow Quakers have invited Robert Halfon, their local MP, to the event, as well as members of other faith groups. Harlow Friend Shanthini Cawson told the Friend that she is ‘very, very delighted’ that there are such active relationships between different faiths in Harlow. Quakers have recently visited other religious buildings in the town, including a mosque and a synagogue.

Quakers in Harlow met in rented rooms before acquiring the Meeting house in 1962.


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