Detail of book cover from Good Ground Beneath My Feet: Poems from Iona, by Martin Hayden

Author: Martin Hayden. Review by Jonathan Wooding

Good Ground Beneath My Feet: Poems from Iona, by Martin Hayden

Author: Martin Hayden. Review by Jonathan Wooding

by Jonathan Wooding 26th February 2021

The Quaker poet Martin Hayden won’t mind me saying that he reminds me of the ‘old men’ in TS Eliot’s ‘East Coker’: ‘Old men ought to be explorers | Here or there does not matter | We must be still and still moving | Into another intensity’. He’s on the move, you see, throughout this collection of translucent poems, and often hair-raisingly so. Even in the final poem he’s driving through a rainstorm along a mudtrack, ‘wobbling over its pitted drive’. And his opening poem? Well, he’s collecting passengers from a ferry, ‘the engines striving to hold | against the one-way muscling of the sea’. Still and still moving? Well, yes, Martin Hayden’s voice seems to me a still, small voice at the heart of a quaking world.