‘I found an enormous contentment’ Photo: courtesy of Airton Meeting
Going concern: Simon Watkins says farewell to Airton
‘All are fascinated and touched by the meaning and beauty of this place.’
After five years as the resident Friend, I will be leaving Airton this month – leaving the premises and the village that is, but not the Meeting.
When I arrived I had no sense of how long I would be here – perhaps a year, perhaps several – just an openness to what I would experience and what might develop. What I found was an enormous contentment through taking full part in the life of the Meeting and in the communities of which it is part. By ‘communities’ I mean not only the village and wider community of Malhamdale, but the community of Friends across the UK and the world.
A glance through our visitor book reveals the deep value that maintaining this place of peace has for all who find it: ‘An open door and a truly remarkable place’; ‘Such a sense of real history and faith’; and ‘May Peace be with us all. May all know ease of well-being. Thank you for sustaining this wonderful space.’ Comments like these point to the spiritual anchoring that havens such as this provide. In Airton’s case, this may be in large part due to an inherent sense of connection with those who came before us – pioneers in the Quaker way (for there is little doubt now that this building was occupied by people calling themselves Friends within a few years of the beginning of our movement, and perhaps even before as ‘Seekers’). But it seems it is also the unexpected nature of the find that moves people when they come across our welcoming space, hidden through a narrow archway at the side of this unassuming building.
Throughout my tenure, one of the greatest pleasures has been welcoming people as guests in our bunkhouse, from tourists intentionally seeking out the Meeting house to walkers passing through. All are fascinated and touched by the meaning and beauty of this place – not only because of its history but because it continues to stand for Quaker values, with signposts to Quaker work in the world for those who care to look. It is as much the Quaker story as the story of the building that I tell to any visitors who want to hear. It is this story that I’ve also tried to tell in my life here as resident Friend, witnessing to our values as best I can.
All of these things need maintenance: care of buildings, yes, but far more importantly, the presence in them to carry out the essential role of witness and connection. These make sense of the life of a Meeting wherever it stands. I’ve no doubt that the warden’s cottage here will make a home for someone again. That person has the opportunity to be enriched by their role. They would I know benefit from the support and care of the Friends of Airton Meeting, the Friendship of all in the Area, and the warmth of those who find us: still seeking truth in the calm of this place as I hope we will for centuries to come.
Simon - you’ve brought so much to that space. In the short time I spent there I saw the sanctuary in action - a family whose car had broken down in the middle of a thunderstorm with no recovery plan and a very little english and several young children and a baby in arms and the way you sprung into action and welcomed them and found biscuits and warm things and moved around your service to accommodate the needs of the moment. Following the spirit of generosity, hospitality and welcome that Airton has had in its beams and bones for centuries.
By bridgeth@quaker.org.uk on 25th November 2021 - 10:08
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