'It is all very well keeping silent out of a fear of offending anyone, but how then can we approach God with a clear conscience?' Photo: by Ben White on Unsplash

‘I humbly invite Christian and theist Friends to be more visible.’

God willing: Clive Gordon on Quaker Christianity

‘I humbly invite Christian and theist Friends to be more visible.’

by Clive Gordon 30th September 2022

I recently read Derek Guiton’s A Man that Looks on Glass: Standing up for God in the Religious Society of Friends. It has helped me to better understand Quakerism as it is practised today. An old Anglican prayer comes to my mind: ‘Thou, O Lord, art the author and finisher of every good work; without thee nothing is strong, nothing is holy; without thy preventing and assisting grace we are but as dust before the wind, carried to and fro.’