Global Campaign on Military Spending
Friends took part in four days of action on global military spending
From 20 to 23 April, Friends joined four days of action on military spending organised by the Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS).
GCOMS seeks to convince the UK government to shift military spending towards social and environmental needs and to reverse the decision to replace Trident.
The campaign is also encouraging government to work with civil society groups to create a clear programme of action for spending, research and investment to build sustainable, common security at national and international levels.
In the UK the GCOMS coalition includes Pax Christi, CND, Scientists for Global Responsibility, Women in Black, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, and Friends. This is the fifth year that events have been organised across the UK.
An online ballot has been created to allow people to vote for how they would distribute the £46 billion that is spent annually on militarism.
Events such as vigils and information stalls were held over the four days, providing information on how much is spent on the military and offering creative, sustainable alternatives.