Ann Limb will speak about George Fox on 'Great Lives'

George Fox features in BBC’s ‘Great Lives’

Ann Limb will speak about George Fox on 'Great Lives'

by Tara Craig 20th May 2016

The 24 May edition of BBC Radio Four’s Great Lives programme will feature George Fox. He was chosen by Ann Limb of Milton Keynes Meeting, who will talk about his life and work.

Great Lives is a biographical series in which guests choose someone who has inspired their lives. Asked whether recording the programme had changed or deepened her opinion of George Fox, Ann said: ‘Yes, it deepened it – it affirmed for me how amazing he was and what a legacy he has left worldwide’. She added that interviewer Matthew Parris’ mother attends Quaker Meetings when she is in England, and that he is ‘sympathetic to Quakers’.


I was talking about George Fox with a Roman Catholic friend earlier today. She listened with great interest and is looking forward at age 56, to attending her first Quaker Meeting for Worship.
For myself, I became very enthused* on hearing this.
It’s gone straight into my Calendar, Radio 4, 24th May, 1630

*literally en + theos = filled with God

By andavane on 19th May 2016 - 19:53

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