'The Scottish government’s intention is to put forward a new Human Rights Bill and a new Land Reform Bill, both of which have had practical Quaker input.'

‘I felt a mood of engagement, excitement, enthusiasm and hope for change.’

General Meeting for Scotland: Pamala McDougall reports

‘I felt a mood of engagement, excitement, enthusiasm and hope for change.’

by Pamala McDougall 8th October 2021

This was different. As an experiment, draft minutes were circulated prior to the meeting and we were asked for feedback after the event. If it is positive, this practice will continue. I have yet to consider the pros and cons but I was almost overwhelmed by the reading material.

This was a meeting of two halves, with a break for lunch – this was a welcome respite amid a busy but important agenda, with COP26 looming.

A total of fifty-four Friends gathered by Zoom. We heard greetings from John Bremner, the ecumenical and interfaith relations officer of the United Reform Church.

Decisions taken between meetings included nominations for the GM working group. There are nine members plus Zoe Prosser, our local development worker. We were sorry to hear of the laying down of the Scottish Churches Housing Action. On a more positive note we heard from Matthew Bittle, who gave a video report on Shindig 2021, the annual event for Young Friends in Scotland. The participants enjoyed meeting in person and had a powerful spiritual experience. Appreciation was expressed to the Shindig team.

Andrew Tomlinson was welcomed with open arms, as was the news that his post as parliamentary engagement officer has been made permanent. Andrew brought us up to date with the new partnership between the SNP and Scottish Greens. The working group has written to each political party on particular Quaker interests. The recent publication of The Programme for Government 2021-22 highlights where progress has been made, and identifies the gaps. The Scottish government’s intention is to put forward a new Human Rights Bill and a new Land Reform Bill, both of which have had practical Quaker input. Andrew has a wonderful network of contacts in the Scottish parliament but we can increase our impact if local meetings and individuals reach out to their MSPs.

Martin Mansell circulated a written report from the COP26 Hub Group. Plans include providing Glasgow Meeting House as a resource centre, and arranging accommodation for Friends from the Global South. We also heard about disseminating information to Quakers in Scotland and beyond. Zoe Prosser is involved with setting up an activists group and has produced posters and a list of activities. I felt a mood of engagement, excitement, enthusiasm and hope for change.

Some of our witness is carried out with other groups, religious and secular. One such body is Stop Climate Change Scotland (SCCS). Andrew Tomlinson is on the Advocacy Committee and Rosemary Hartill attends meetings of the Public Campaign Group. Rosemary shared with us her personal experience of engaging with SCCS which she has found rewarding.

This GM was, for me, one of the most deeply engaging and spirit-led I have attended. Despite my misgivings about virtual meetings, draft minutes and occasional technical blips, I thoroughly enjoyed it!


Congratulations, Zoe, on your new appointment!!

By Lee@No18 on 8th October 2021 - 1:28

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