'Tim Gee said the chance to serve "fills [his] heart with joy".' Photo: Tim Gee

‘Tim Gee brings with him a broad range of experience working for organisations tackling issues of peace and social justice.'

FWCC announces new general secretary

‘Tim Gee brings with him a broad range of experience working for organisations tackling issues of peace and social justice.'

by Rebecca Hardy 30th July 2021

Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has announced the name of its new general secretary.

Quaker Tim Gee will replace Gretchen Castle who, after serving FWCC for eight years, will take up the new role of dean of Earlham School of Religion in the US.
Simon C Lamb, clerk of FWCC, said: ‘Tim brings with him a broad range of experience working for organisations tackling issues of peace and social justice. He brings an exuberance and energy, and… a vision and desire to serve the global family of Friends.’ 

Tim Gee said the chance to serve ‘fills [his] heart with joy’.

‘Even in the face of global pandemics and crises, my hope is to support the global Quaker community to keep connecting and helping one-other and our neighbours in order to be the fertile ground in which the seeds of peace and justice will grow.’

Susanna Mattingly will be acting general secretary of FWCC until 10 January 2022.


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