Fundraiser for Quaker garden
‘All proceeds will help restock the garden with suitably Quakerly plants.'
Richmond Meeting has launched a fundraiser to raise money to restock its Meeting house garden. Antonia Swinson, from the Meeting, told the Friend that the Pledges4Plants initiative involves local Friends pledging ways to ‘bring cheer and camaraderie in these dark lockdown days’.
She said: ‘The series kicked off in January with a dramatic reading, via Zoom, of Robert Burns’ poem “Tam O Shanter” by Richmond Friend Ella Swinson Reid, who was brought up in Scotland. February sees a timely “Introduction to Mindfulness”, while in March Friends will be treated to a suitably spine-chilling lecture on “What Makes A Gothic Novel?’’’
She added: ‘All proceeds will help restock the garden with suitably Quakerly plants, including the “Compassion” pink climbing rose; the yellow “Peace” rose, olive trees for Peace; “Quakeress” (daisy-like flowers); Lavender for silence and calm; Salvia for thoughtfulness; and Quaking grass (Briza media).’