From the archive: An active Friend

In a time of war what can one person do?

In a time of war what can one person do? Many Friends in 1914 responded vigorously in finding ways of service. When the war began E Harold Marsh was in Denmark visiting summer schools.

I stayed two days at Hilleród at a Summer School for school teachers in Lutheran schools; about 100 were present. I had two opportunities of addressing them, and without making any specific mention of Friends, I expounded Friends’ interpretations of Christian teaching respecting peace and war. The Danes, especially these Grundtvigians, are intensely patriotic. But in their national songs patriotism has no thought of militarism, aggression, or bloodshed. I urged… that it is our duty to our country to live for it rather than to die for it, and that this is a thing that women can do just as well as men. The thought seemed to be new to the school teachers.

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