Friends raise more funds for Ukraine

'Misha Elizbarashvili, a Friend from Tbilisi, Georgia, is currently in Ukraine delivering medical supplies, paid for from the FWCC funding campaign.'

Misha Elizbarashvili in Ukraine

Therapy, schooling and temporary accommodation are just some of the ways that Quaker funds have supported people fleeing Ukraine.

The Quaker group Central European Gathering (CEG) thanked Friends for over €5,000 of donations. So far €1,250 has been used to fund cognitive behavioural therapy to Ukrainian refugees at SWPS university in Warsaw. According to CEG, ‘This was our first project and it is also supported by Warsaw Friends so we are moving on to other groups and have donated €1,000 to Hungarian Reform Church Aid and €500 to Migration Aid, also in Hungary.’ Michael Eccles, executive secretary of Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) Europe & Middle East Section (EMES), told the Friend that Misha Elizbarashvili, a Friend from Tbilisi, Georgia, is currently in Ukraine delivering medical supplies, paid for from the FWCC funding campaign. ‘Yesterday I posted an update about his trip on our Facebook page and I have posted a second update today. Misha has sent photos… taken [between] Kyiv and a small town called Irpen, which was badly damaged by the Russian army.’

FWCC has launched a page on its website giving more funding updates. Quakers have also sent £444 to Friends in Estonia for work to support Ukrainian refugees as they arrive in Tallinn, paying for medication, Covid tests, temporary accommodation and food. Another £444 has been sent to Friends in Eastern Poland to provide items to Ukrainian refugee children. Similarly, The Tallinn Friends Group in Estonia is launching a Ukrainian school.

The Funding for Ukraine Group (FUG), made up of several CEG Friends from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia, have been meeting regularly since early April to look at refugee-linked projects to support.

The FWCC funding campaign is still running and EMES offers a Meeting for Worship at 1.30pm on Tuesdays to pray for peace in Ukraine.

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