Friends in front of their stall. Photo: courtesy of Wilmslow Meeting

Wilmslow Friends mark UN International DAY of Peace with a stall and a bike ride

Friends prompt peace messages

Wilmslow Friends mark UN International DAY of Peace with a stall and a bike ride

by Tara Craig 25th September 2015

Wilmslow Friends marked the United Nations International Day of Peace with a stall at their local artisan market.

Friends collected £293 for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. They encouraged members of the public to write messages of peace to hang on a tree at the stall. These dove-shaped messages will be on display at the Meeting house. Friends also urged visitors to the stall to sign up for a bike ride that afternoon with Cycle Wilmslow, Transition Wilmslow and Churches Together.

Wilmslow Quaker Andrew Backhouse said: ‘We were amazed at how many people were reluctant at first to stop, but talked about how they tried to talk to their neighbours, or enjoyed the things that we did put on for the community, or were concerned about the refugee crisis.’

Andrew added: ‘Many people who now call Wilmslow ‘home’ were not born here and came to the place first as strangers. These refugees, just like all of us, have hopes and dreams for their families. That’s why they’re taking such terrible risks to get here and escape the war and upheaval in the places they’ve come from.’


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