The round table in the Chapel of Unity in Coventry Cathedral with Quaker Stella Robert’s cranes of peace. Photo: Mike Lane.

Coventry Cathedral hosted an interfaith service to mark the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing

Friends mark Hiroshima anniversary in Coventry Cathedral

Coventry Cathedral hosted an interfaith service to mark the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing

by Tara Craig 14th August 2015

Coventry Quakers marked the seventieth anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a service for all faiths or none in the Chapel of Unity, Coventry Cathedral, on 6 August.

The service was led by Coventry Cathedral dean, reverend John Witcombe, and Baptist reader and Quaker attender Sandra Noel. It featured an exchange of letters of greeting between the lord mayors of Coventry and Hiroshima.


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