Patients’ groups and members of medical profession concerned that Government White Paper paves way for US-style healthcare system

Friends join push to ‘save the NHS’

Patients’ groups and members of medical profession concerned that Government White Paper paves way for US-style healthcare system

by Rebecca Hardy 14th May 2021

London Quakers are highlighting a new project launched to ‘save the NHS’.

The campaign was started by Mark Thomas, founder of The 99% Organisation, who gave a talk at a London Quakers’ Build Back Better event in January.

According to the London Quaker newsletter: ‘The Government has recently published a White Paper on the Future of the NHS. Some of its ideas are sensible: better integration between health and social care could be valuable. But many patients’ groups and members of the medical profession are concerned that it paves the way for moving towards a US-style healthcare system and that its provisions may lead to further privatisation and give ministers powers to award contracts to favoured companies without scrutiny or challenge.’

The 99% Organisation has set-up the project with the National Health Action Party, to analyse the provisions of the paper, to assess which are positive suggestions and which could be dangerous for the NHS. It also hopes to share the findings with MPs and campaigning groups.


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