Friends choose to fast

Friends are bearing witness to their concern by fasting in different ways

Quaker Meetings throughout Britain are being encouraged to take part in the national day of fasting on April 4 and to support the End Hunger Fast campaign by holding events and lobbying their local MPs.  Chris Skidmore, clerk of Yearly Meeting for Quakers in Britain, is one of a number of Friends who have taken a lead and chosen to fast.

He explained: ‘Quakers believe that there is something of God in everyone and in this we are all equal. We cannot call ourselves a “rich” society when our resources are so unequally shared and so many people are growing hungry. I am fasting to raise awareness of this situation which diminishes us all.’

Other Friends who have chosen to fast include Helen Drewery, general secretary of Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW); Charlotte Seymour-Smith, clerk to QPSW central committee; Anne Ullathorne, assistant clerk to Meeting for Sufferings and Jessica Metheringham, parliamentary engagement officer for Quakers in Britain.

Friends are bearing witness to their concern by fasting in different ways. Jessica Metheringham is fasting each working day from dawn to dusk. Anne Ullathorne, who is fasting every Friday during Lent, said: ‘Following Jesus’ command to love our neighbour, Quakers have a testimony to equality of all people and this small personal act brings home to me the current injustice here in Britain.’

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