Friends back Stop Trident events
Two Stop Trident events are being supported by Britain Yearly Meeting
Britain Yearly Meeting has given its support to two major Stop Trident events to be held later this month.
A rally highlighting the case for the non-renewal of Trident will be held at Friends House on Friday 19 February. Speakers will include Kate Hudson, general secretary of the Campaign Against Nuclear Disarmament (CND), who has described Trident as an ‘over priced status symbol’; Bruce Kent, the veteran CND campaigner; the writer and film maker Tariq Ali; and Lindsey German of Stop the War.
Parliament will vote in 2016 on whether to replace Trident. Trade union branches and local Labour Party associations are presently debating the issue around the country and the subject will be a major concern in the party conferences later this year.
Christian groups that have come out against the replacement of Trident include the Religious Society of Friends, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Churches and the Baptist Church.
Quaker Peace & Social Witness are presently engaged in a ‘Stop Trident’ campaign and are encouraging individual Friends and Meetings to get involved. They have organised a wide range of support material for British Friends.
The second major Stop Trident event is a march and rally that will take place in central London on Saturday 27 February. Among the organisations supporting the events are Medact, Pax Christi and War on Want.