The Kindertransport statue in Prague. Photo: Marisa Johnson.

Friends were among those marking the eightieth anniversary of Kindertransport

Friends at eightieth anniversary of Kindertransport

Friends were among those marking the eightieth anniversary of Kindertransport

by Rebecca Hardy 10th May 2019

Quakers attended a gathering last month to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the Kindertransport rescue effort. The ‘Invisible Heroes’ event held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic on 30 April acknowledged Quakers for their contribution.

Henry Warriner, nephew of Doreen Warriner, one of those who led the rescue efforts, spoke on behalf of the rescuers, and paid tribute to the role played by Quakers.

Arne Springorum, member of the local Recognised Quaker Meeting and prominent advocate of Extinction Rebellion in Prague, attended with Marisa Johnson, executive secretary of the Europe and Middle East Section (EMES) of the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC).

Marisa Johnson said: ‘EMES was founded in 1938 as Friends wanted to remain connected whilst facing the prospect of the devastating conflict that would tear Europe apart. The existence of the network, and personal contacts, facilitated the organisation of the rescue efforts among Quakers.’

Arne Springorum added: ‘We need to learn lessons from the past, and apply them to the challenges in our own time that need invisible, and sometimes visible, heroes.’


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