Some of the Hugo award winners. Photo: Courtesy Hugo.

Quaker Clark Seanor is part of a team that won a Hugo Award

Friend wins Hugo award for science fiction

Quaker Clark Seanor is part of a team that won a Hugo Award

by Rebecca Hardy 6th September 2024

A Quaker is part of a science fiction editorial group that won a Hugo Award last month.

Clark Seanor is a member of the Strange Horizons Editorial Collective, which won the category of ‘best semiprozine’ for its science fiction magazine Strange Horizons

The science fiction awards are voted for by members of the World Science Fiction Convention (‘Worldcon’).

‘Until this year, Strange Horizons had been a losing finalist at the Hugos every year since 2013,’ Gautam Bhatia said on the website. 

The award was presented at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow on 11 August where members of the team read out a statement written in 2021 saying it supported Palestine people’s ‘right to justice, freedom, equality, and self-determination’. It recommended ‘reading and centering… their writing and reporting’.

‘At Strange Horizons, we have always understood SF – like all other forms of art – to be intensely political,’ adds Gautam Bhatia. 

The collective celebrates its twenty-fifth birthday next year.


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