A young girl, face obscured by her hair, sat hugging her knees on a misty woodland path. Photo: By Andrew Neel on Unsplash.

‘Spirituality is not a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to feelings.’

Feeling the pinch: Kate Graham on finding a deeper connection

‘Spirituality is not a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to feelings.’

by Kate Graham 15th November 2024

What use is spirituality when you are really upset?

That’s an angry way of putting it, but when the proverbial has hit the fan – when your world has turned upside down, and you are feeling rejected, abandoned, angry, fearful, desolate, sad, furious and sad again – is spirituality, and spiritual practice, any help at all? Is there a Quakerly response? Can one have all these feelings and still connect with a sense of something greater? That’s the question facing me right now, and I would like the answer to be yes.