Friends urged to participate in the pilgrimage organised by Occupy Faith

Faith pilgrimage

Friends urged to participate in the pilgrimage organised by Occupy Faith

by The Friend Newsdesk 8th June 2012

Friends at Britain Yearly Meeting were urged to take part in the ‘faith pilgrimage for justice’ next month in support of the Occupy movement.  The pilgrimage is being organised by Occupy Faith, a network of religious supporters of the Occupy movement, and will involve pilgrims walking from London to Canterbury between 7 and 19 June. A number of Quakers will be taking part in the event. (see ‘Pilgrimage for Justice’, 13 April)

Sam Walton of Quaker Peace & Social Witness spoke of the pilgrimage in a Saturday workshop that explored the decision making methods of the Occupy movement. Around forty Friends shared experiences and views of Occupy. They varied from scepticism to enthusiastic support.

A Friend who had gone along somewhat doubtful came away very impressed by the way Occupy groups run large meetings with no microphones and seek to ensure everyone hears what is said. One Friend had been deeply moved by experiencing the Occupy London Stock Exchange camp, while another had been involved in Occupy Bath.

The recording clerk’s letter of support for Occupy had been appreciated by several Friends present. There was a feeling that the media focus on London had not given a true impression of the wide diversity of Occupy activities throughout the UK.


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