Linda Murgatroyd

Tony Stoller introduces the results of the Friends Quarterly essay competition

Eyewitness - Linda Murgatroyd wins The Friends Quarterly essay competition

Tony Stoller introduces the results of the Friends Quarterly essay competition

by Tony Stoller 11th February 2010

The prize essay competition, run by our sister paper, The Friends Quarterly (FQ) and supported by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, has set Friends buzzing for months. Even so, the total of 106 entries greatly exceeded expectations, and gave the judges a difficult task. We now know the winners, and what is to happen next.  First prize has been awarded to Linda Murgatroyd of Kingston & Wandsworth Area Meeting. Her essay is entitled ‘The future of Quakers in Britain: holding spaces for the spirit to act’. Two further prizes were awarded: to Simon Best of London West Area Meeting for ‘The future of the Religious Society of Friends: Simple, contemporary, radical?’ and to Felicity Kaal of Bristol Area Meeting for ‘The Future of Quakerism’. The winning essays will be printed in the next issue of The Friends Quarterly in May.