Eye - 8 September 2023
From Celebrating seventy-five years to A splendid account
Celebrating seventy-five years
The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) represents Friends at the United Nations, and has done for seventy-five years! At an event in June to mark this anniversary, Sarah Clarke, QUNO’s New York director, said that: ‘Quakers have consistently served as Ambassadors for Peace. In that effort we have emphasised the importance of listening to, and lifting up voices that otherwise might not be reflected in UN decision-making… In the world of global diplomacy, having the space to connect, build relationships, and share, offers the chance for transformation.’ So, for Friends who may not be familiar with their work, here are some canapés to tempt you – see if you can spot them in the puzzle! And for those who know QUNO’s work well, an opportunity to see the breadth of their work in an informal setting. You can find out more at https://quno.org, and by listening to Rachel Brett delivering her 2012 Swarthmore Lecture at https://bit.ly/RachelBrett2012.
QUNO puzzle clues
Current areas of work include:
Climate change
Human rights
Economic systems
Some past areas of work:
Women in prison
Child soldiers
Their offices are in:
New York
Their unique approach:
Quiet diplomacy
Solution: Page 19 of PDF version of magazine