Eye - 27 May 2011

From geese to a 'boon day'

A skein of Canada geese. | Photo: audreyjm529/flickr CC.

Gathered geese

A gaggle of Friends gathered at Glenthorne last weekend for a conference exploring the future of Experiment with Light within Britain Yearly Meeting.

The teamwork, commitment and care demonstrated by migrating geese prompted the meeting to take something of a fowl turn, (unlike the weather, which only took a foul turn). As twitchers stilled themselves for Meeting for Business, the metaphor of the wild goose revealed itself. Although a shy beast, it soon influenced participants, who broke into a chorus of honking in the manner of geese to show their appreciation for the minutes. Flying in formation the group will continue to honk to encourage the leader at the head of the skein who will take the brunt of air resistance as Light groups across the country become more connected, and as EwL becomes more prominent within the Yearly Meeting.

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