Eye - 22 November 2013

From minutes as muse to vocal harmony

A clock of clerks? | Photo: Photo: Sarah Cairncross / flickr CC.

Minutes as muse

Take one linguistically-inclined Quaker, add a sprinkle of inspiration and stir.

The ‘nature notes’ from Judith Roads (15 November) set cogs and gears whirring in David Jones’ mind.

David, of Spalding Meeting, said Judith ‘wrote wittily about “a recent gathering of Area Meeting clerks at Friends’ House” as if they were a flock of birds.

‘This set me wondering what might be an appropriate collective noun for a group of clerks.

‘It occurred to me to me that, as clerks are concerned with the recording of minutes, then we could speak quite appropriately of “a clock of clerks”!’

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