The top of 'The Trumpet in the Universe' sculpture. Photo: Richard Summers.
Eye - 21 September 2018
From searching and developing to imprisoned blooms
Searching and developing
A quote from scientist and Quaker Jocelyn Bell Burnell is featured in a striking sculpture exhibition in Cambridge, which runs until January 2019.
Archetypes is a collection of five pieces by sculptor Liviu Mocan on display in the churchyard of Great St Mary’s.
The exhibition, commissioned by the Jubilee Centre, is designed to invite visitors ‘into a multi-faceted conversation between history, faith, art and technology’.
Liviu Mocan uses his sculptures to explore ‘universal themes found in almost every culture and society’: belief, destiny, transcendence, sacrifice and revelation.
Around the base of The Trumpet in the Universe sculpture, which explores the theme of ‘destiny’, are twelve inscriptions from different disciplines.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell’s words represent astronomy: ‘If we assume we’ve arrived, we stop searching, we stop developing.’