A spiders' web in the early morning. Photo: By Katelyn Greer on Unsplash.

Eye hears from Friends feeling nostalgic, spinning a web, penning limerick-based delights, and singing songs of sleeping!

Eye - 13 December 2024

Eye hears from Friends feeling nostalgic, spinning a web, penning limerick-based delights, and singing songs of sleeping!

by Elinor Smallman 13th December 2024

Spinning a web

The juxtaposition of nature and technology caused wry smiles during a recent Meeting.

David Hitchin, of Lewes Meeting, writes: ‘On Sunday 17th November some Friends at Lewes were participating in Meeting for Worship via Zoom they noticed a strange flickering on their screens and then a diagonal line appeared…

‘Where more appropriately could a spider spin a web than on a webcam?’