‘The tide was down, but soon returned with speed, so our labyrinth got washed away before midnight, but has left an indelible mark in our memories.' Photo: courtesy of Ruth Corry

An invitation and ‘greatest hits’

Eye - 11 November 2022

An invitation and ‘greatest hits’

by Elinor Smallman 11th November 2022

An invitation

These ‘greatest hits’ are here to give you a flavour of what Eye has been (see 4 November), and to inspire you, our lovely readers, to reach out with stories and pictures you’d like to share in future editions. Let’s get to know each other in the things that are light-hearted!

A memorable path

A seaweed labyrinth made an impression at a recent gathering.

Scarborough Meeting House hosted the Quarterly Meeting of Quakers in Yorkshire on 18 July [2015].

Ruth Corry, of York Friargate Meeting, told Eye of ‘a rich and varied morning session with, among other items, input from Suzanne Ismail, economic issues programme manager for Quaker Peace & Social Witness’.

She went on to describe a memorable afternoon: ‘Friends could choose among several enticing outings in the area. Some of us chose a trip to the beach, where local youngsters from Scarborough Meeting – Iain, James and Will – helped us draw lines for a classical labyrinth, which we lined with seaweed and then walked the walk to the centre.

‘The tide was down, but soon returned with speed, so our labyrinth got washed away before midnight, but has left an indelible mark in our memories (and cameras).’

(first published 14 August 2015)