Eye - 09 December 2011

Games night at the Quaker Centre showcased two new games by Quakers

Counters clacked, paper crackled and dice were spilled . . . | Photo: Photos: Trish Carn and Lynne Ling. ‘Unable, Unwilling’ cards: Sally and Tom Nicholls

Friendly frolics at Friends House

Counters clacked, paper crackled and dice were spilled. Was this really the Quaker Centre? Yes, it was their first ‘games evening’, an opportunity to experience two new Quaker games. The first was ‘Journey Home’, a board game designed by Andrew Connolly and Jennifer Kavanagh, based on her book ‘The O of Home’, which considers what the word ‘home’ means to people. The second was ‘Unable, Unwilling’, a card game that takes a light-hearted look at nominations, by Sally and Tom Nicholls. About a dozen people were scattered around three tables with much commenting and querying of instructions.

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