Jenny Hodgkin, the Quaker canon, speaks at Chelmsford cathedral. Photo: Jonathan Hodgkin.
Eye - 08 April 2011
From coffee grinders to cathedrals
Where we worship
Come rain or shine, London Quakers hold a Meeting for worship in the open air every month, at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. Eye has also heard of Meetings taking place among the bluebells in local woodland, and frequently in the homes and houses of Quakers across the country. Recently, Quakers in mid Essex were invited to pull up a pew for a Meeting for worship in the great architectural achievement that is Chelmsford cathedral. Organised by Jenny Hodgkin, the honorary Ecumenical Canon of the cathedral, it was reckoned to be the first Quaker Meeting for worship held within the building.
The Meeting was arranged as part of a day long prayer vigil for all those affected by the recession. A variety of groups were invited to share aspects of their work and faith in response to the issue. Speaking to Jenny this week, Eye heard how it felt ‘just right’ to bring Quaker worship to the cathedral. She added that it felt as though the congregation were all ‘part of a shared experience’ and that it may have ‘helped put Quakerism on the map’. Attenders of the vigil were also given a brief overview of Quaker social action.
Eye is interested to hear how it feels to worship in different places.