Eye - 07 November 2014

From cycling to yogurt

Some of the cyclists after the tour, at Rawdon Meeting house. | Photo: Courtesy of Robert Keeble (centre).

Carlton Hill Quakers catch the cycling bug

Eighteen wheels, topped by nine industriously pedalling Friends from Carlton Hill Meeting, set off to discover the history of Friends in Leeds last month.

The Leeds Quaker History Cycle Tour, led by Robert Keeble, took place on 11 October and ‘covered’ several centuries.

The route included the Old Carlton Hill Meeting House, now part of Leeds Beckett University, and the site of the first Meeting house, now home to ASDA’s headquarters. One of the most revealing stories took place outside Debenhams on Briggate, the main shopping street. ‘This was the site of the Moote Hall… where fifty Quakers were imprisoned for attending a Quaker Meeting in Leeds on 21 October 1683.’

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