The sun rising over a misty field, with wintery trees to the right. Photo: By Hert Niks via Unsplash.
Eye - 07 February 2025
Eye invites Friends to share their sunshine, sing a ditty about rumblings abdominal, and reflect on words from Advices & queries with pen and pencil
As the days start to get longer and some among us wistfully look forward to spring, what’s bringing light to your lives, Friends?
The sunshine pages are here to share the glimmers and twinkles, be they big or small, with our wider Quaker community.
Even when days seem dark, light and love can be found!
Reach out to to share yours!
Rumblings abdominal
Eye will never fail to be surprised, or delighted, by the things that move human beings in the direction of creativity!
Kathryn May, of Exeter Meeting, shared just such a stirring.
She told Eye: ‘In a recent conversation with Friend Ann Fisher, from Wisconsin, we had a light-hearted chat about how waiting in silence can be interrupted by a body’s stomach rumblings.
‘Anne then gave an impromptu rendition of a ditty. I had never heard of it. Are British Friends aware of it?’
Anne kindly sent lyrics and a link, saying: ‘The song is an adaptation of a, likely British, round called “I sat next to/down with/went out with the Duchess at tea.” Here is the tune [].’
Now for the lyrics Friends, Eye wonders if they’ll resonate…
I sat next at the meeting to Thee
It was just as I thought it would be
Thy rumblings abdominal were simply phenomenal
And everyone thought it was me
Anne confesses: ‘I am not sure who to credit the word change to.’
Eye wonders if Friends will be inspired to pen additional verses, perhaps showcasing hiccups and snores?
Advices & queries
Eye invites you to consider select words from Advices & queries with a pen or pencil, using colouring, doodling… whatever moves you, to bring a focus to familiar phrases. This week, Advices & queries 13: ‘Do not assume that vocal ministry is never to be your part. Faithfulness and sincerity in speaking, even very briefly, may open the way to fuller ministry from others. When prompted to speak, wait patiently to know that the leading and the time are right, but do not let a sense of your own unworthiness hold you back. Pray that your ministry may arise from deep experience, and trust that words will be given to you. Try to speak audibly and distinctly, and with sensitivity to the needs of others. Beware of speaking predictably or too often, and of making additions towards the end of a meeting when it was well left before.’