The Christian Motorcyclists’ Association prepare to hit the road. Photo: Photo courtesy: Evangelical Alliance.
Eye - 06 May 2011
From the Bible to the notice board
Bibles hit the road
Eye’s path was crossed again this week by motorcycles bearing religious bodies. A number of members of the Christian Motorcyclists’ Association are leather bound. They will hit the road with Bibles in hand to bring the message to an increasingly secular society.
Setting out from Skegness, they are kick-starting the ‘Viral Bible Project’ thought up by the organisation Biblefresh. The hope is that over the next twelve months 200 viral Bibles will journey across the country being passed from one person to the next. If one of the free-range Bibles falls into your hands, you have the opportunity to underline the verses that are most meaningful to you before passing the book (not the buck!).
The project further embraces the delights of modern technology as each of the Bibles has a code on the inside of the cover enabling readers to track its onward journey from the website, as well as submitting and reading the various chosen verses. At present some of the Bibles have not travelled anywhere, some have not even been released. The hope is that, by Easter next year, they will find their way back to the head office of the Evangelical Alliance having had quite a tour of the country.
Eye admires the imagination that has gone into this attempt to illustrate how the Bible continues to influence and inspire people and hopes that not too many of these books fall off the wagon.
The Notice Board’s Lament
I am a Quaker notice board and I stoppeth one in three
But no, ‘tis just myself I fool
I have forgot the golden rule
That nothing stoppeth Quakers
On their way to tea.
I wait in silence all day long
Upon the shady wall
And posters hang from pins and tacks
Maybe covering over cracks
But relevant for all.
For I can tell of mighty plans
Of vigils, groups and talks
Of Quaker work abroad and near
Fundraising for what we hold dear
And friendly Quaker walks.
And courses too, where we can learn
The teachings of George Fox
And not forgetting Margaret Fell
And tapestry and how as well
To build a wall with rocks.
The Quakers meet in silent peace
Though some may choose to speak
With handshakes firm the Meeting ends –
A noisy rush to talk with Ffriends –
Who’ll look at me this week?
Remember Friends, your notice board
And give me tender care
Remove the out of date and torn
The faded, grubby and forlorn
And sometimes – please stand and stare !
Jane Robinson