Eye - 04 November 2011

From gentle people to plain speaking

One of the banners Friends in Canterbury used for their Drone Awareness demonstration | Photo: Gerard Bane

Gentle people

News of the extraordinary range of events held throughout Britain during Quaker Week continue to reach the Friend.

Friends, during the week, engaged in many different forms of outreach and in doing so often gain interesting insights into how Quakers are perceived.

Gerard Bane of Canterbury was one of a group of Quakers at Canterbury whose concern about drones became a particular focus during the week.

Some Canterbury Friends organized a Drones Action Awareness demonstration outside the local army careers office at the beginning and end of Quaker Week.

Gerard was delighted to hear some of the comments made about Quakers and passed on one he particularly enjoyed. He writes: ‘Another person passed by, smiling, and said “I know about you Quakers. You are gentle people who believe in peace”. I think that’s the kind of apt message Quaker week is all about getting across.’

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