Eye - 04 January 2013

A Friendly city and ordinary joy

Drawing of the USS Quaker City by Clary Ray. | Photo: Courtesy of the Navy Art Collection, Washington DC via Wikimedia Commons.

A Friendly city?

Friends have been riffling through the pages of their bookshelves for curiosities to share. This week with we have literary finds on a historical theme.

Jill Allum, of Beccles Meeting, raves about Jerusalem, the Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore, which she describes as ‘a tour de force’. However, she was prompted to write to Eye when she ‘was truly surprised to find the word Quaker on page 429, referring to a sidewheel steamship named Quaker City. Montefiore here is writing about Jerusalem in 1867, when Mark Twain was on this steamboat…on a pilgrimage’.

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