Experiment with Light: A deeply healing process

Rosalind Smith, in the third article of our series on ‘Experiment with Light,’ considers the distinctive nature of the practice

Experiment with Light can be used as a tool for healing | Photo: ToastyKen / flickr CC

Quakers are quite experienced at Meetings: Meetings for Worship; Meetings for Worship for Business; Meetings for ‘the solemnisation of a marriage’, etc, and, as we often joke among ourselves, Meetings about Meetings!  For well over seventy years the Friends Fellowship of Healing groups have been holding Meetings for Distant Healing – sometimes just called Meetings for Healing – all around the country. The intention is to hold those who we know are unwell, either physically, mentally or spiritually, in the Light. In fact, the concept of the Light, and the deep healing that it offers to anyone who allows themself to ‘go into’ it, is an integral part of our healing ministry.

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